One-Pot Coconut Milk Curry


Growing up, dad made curry every week. It was a dinner tradition in our home. Family dinner has a very special place in my heart. Dad always cooked, mom would do dishes, and we all sat around the table and talked about our days. A tip for digesting your meals better? Share good food with the people you love.

When I moved out, I remember so clearly being nervous about cooking my own meals for the first time. This easy one-pot curry recipe was passed on to me, and it made cooking seem less intimidating. I felt safe in the kitchen, and like I could nourish myself without needing to be a chef or know all the fancy tips and techniques.

This recipe is adapted from my dad’s famous curry, but I made a couple tweaks to make it a little more gut-friendly. I swapped brown potato for white sweet potato (you can find them at Whole Foods) and soaked the chickpeas overnight for easier digestion. If you’re in a hurry, Eden canned chickpeas are pre-soaked and completely gut friendly!


One-Pot Coconut Milk Curry

  • 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 large onion, finely chopped

  • 4-5 white or sweet potatoes, cubed

  • 2 cups cauliflower florets

  • 1 can full-fat coconut milk (look for guar-gum free)

  • 2 heaping tablespoons curry powder

  • 2 cups soaked then cooked chickpeas*

  • Salt + pepper to taste

* To soak your dried chickpeas, place in a bowl and cover with water and 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar. The vinegar helps to remove the lectins and make the beans easier to digest. Soak overnight, drain, rinse, and cook covered in fresh water until soft.


In a large pot, sauté onions in olive oil over medium heat until soft. Add cubed potato, cauliflower, coconut milk, and curry powder, and bring to a boil. Turn to medium-low, stir, and let simmer until the potatoes and cauliflower are soft. Stir in the chickpeas, and season with salt + pepper to taste. Serve with quinoa, buckwheat, or rice.